Sunday, January 22, 2012


My new philosphy on College English is going to be this ....
~ A Paragraph a Day Keeps Stariha AWAY!
Yeah I know I'm pretty origional :P .. not, but I think It's gonna be a good thing to attempt to do it will cut down on my procrastination and hopefully I will just start writing once I start. Because for me the worst part is the begining and the end. Starting the papper and citing it! But thankfully we dont have to cite this one yippee !!! :)


  1. I like it Tonya! I am going to use this theory on my portfolio for writing the life skills so i dont wait until the weekend and freak out about them!

  2. to be honest toyna...Stariha is like that nasty piece of gum on your shoe. you cant ever fully get rid of it so you just begin to get attached to that peice of gum because you have no choice. Not even peanutbutter can get rid of her, but i guess thats how the cookie crumbles. So, keep up with that philosophy Tonya. Maybe it will work once!

  3. Nice Lucas... nasty gum on your shoe...
    I feel the love.

  4. but i did say that you become connected to it :)
