Sunday, February 27, 2011

So...synthesis essay yeah??

So I'm sitting here desperatly trying to write a decent rough draft for my synthesis essay and I'm really struggling. The thing we are supposed to be explaining doesnt make much sense to me the way its phrased and I find the whole packet really confusing. Im also not sure on how long its supposed to be. It starting to get REALLY frusterating because I want to be able to do a good job on my rough draft so I have something solid to start with for my final draft but I have no clue where to start or how to put my thoughts together. Argh on giant confusing papers....yep just argh....


  1. I'm in the same boat, I think I kinda understood it, but then again I don't think so. Hopefully once we get our rough drafts done and get some help on them it will make sense.

  2. Yeah i just kinda wrote what i though i needed to write, and its not that good. so rough draft if terrible!!!!

  3. I feel the same way. Im just goin to do my best and write what I can and then watch miss K destroy it with an Ink Pen :)

  4. I also found the packet sort of confusing and wasn't exactly sure what to write about. I know Mrs. K went over it the other day in class but I'm not sure my paper is exactly what she's looking for. I found it kind of hard to keep it on exactly one topic. I felt like my supporting details were going to be about something new.
