Sunday, January 30, 2011

YAY! Senior Portfolio

I really need to go and purchase supplies for my senior portfolio!
I have everything planned out and am moving along quickly with the project.
I am very excited to put everything together and see how it all works out!
This is such a fun project, to express individuality to everyone!
Hope everyone else is enjoying it as much as I am! :)


  1. Yeah you should probably get on that, i hope yours is a good one. Mine is going to be boring because all i am doing is really the basics nothing really fancy.

  2. I definitely have to do the same. I have my binder for it and everything, but i'm most likely gonna have to purchase more "scrapbooking" type of materials for it although I already have some at home. I think it is going to be really fun to show our true personalities through our portfolios and even be able to tell classmates things about ourselves they may not know. :)

  3. Wow Bethany you're really excited! I wish I was as pumped for my senior portfolio as you. Thats awesome.

  4. I really should do the same think, I have an idea but I have yet to get the supplies for it!

  5. Have fun with the portfolios. I have seen some really cool portfolios. And remember, my little apathetic boys, that the portfolio is a great way to pick up points if your grade isn't quite what you want for the class.

  6. Im not quite sure what apathetic means, but it is cool to see that you are alive and kickin' Stariha. True Story. (Oh and I am doing a sweet portfolio incase you were worried)
