Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Color Purple & My Personal Narrative

So, I am moving along pretty well on The Color Purple. Since I will be gone on Tuesday for my Orientation at Grand Valley (yay!), I will have to make sure that I read far enough ahead to be ready for discussion on Wednesday. I really like the sections where Nettie is writing to Celie from Africa. Although Celie is not reading the letters as they arrive (because of Albert), it still gives her messages that much more meaning because Celie didn't know about them in time to write back. Nettie's dedication to Celie shows that although they are both struggling (in different ways), they are still there for each other no matter what. Even though Celie hasn't been writing back, Nettie writes in hopes to reach her and because she really has no one else to turn to and express her feelings towards.
My personal narrative rough draft was not so good because I wrote it more as an essay instead of a narrative. I don't think that it will be a problem for me to transform it into one because I already have developed points about how music defines me and makes me feel. I have many (specific) stories I can use to express what I am trying to say, so hopefully I can just tie them all together and make it more of a chapter book with different experiences rather than just using one. I'm looking forward to sharing our stories. :)


  1. I have to disagree with you liking the Nettie writing to Celie. I think its boring

  2. Have fun at Orientation girl! I like the letters to Celie too because it shows Nettie's determination to be there for Celie.
