Sunday, May 15, 2011


I honestly have no clue what to talk about.... My personal narrative was pretty awsome to write. It felt good to get some of the things I've struggled with for years off my chest in a creative way. To be able to use words in a way that isnt boring or educational was a fun and different experience for me. It was It kinda hurt though...rehashing all of those old emotions and memories was painful at first. I wrote about a really dark time in my life and getting it all out on paper was almost theraputic...or maybe thats just my bizarre counselor side showing. Either way I really loved this assignment!! I'm hoping there will be more like it in college classes. As a side note I've officially fallen in love with a band called Iron and Wine. They happen to be completly amazing. Their songs have an almost haunting ring to them. They make me think of freewrite music which is honestly why they're blasting through my speakers as I search for inspiration...its sorta working!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I also like'd this assignment and I felt really good about it.
