Thursday, February 2, 2012

Plum Wore Out

Dear World-
I am done with essays. I have written 5 a week for 3 weeks in a row. There is something cruel and unusual about that if you ask me. Right now I'm avoiding one last essay that has to be written tonight. Then Saturday I have another and Sunday (if I'm smart) I'll write another. That will come to a grand total of 7 this week. Yeah... seven. If you didn't know that's the same number of days in a week, the same number of gables Nathaniel Hawthorn wrote about, and the same number of wonders in the world. Actually I'm not sure about that last one. It's late, I'm tired, and I'm rethinking the divinity of the number seven. And I'm not actually done with essays... there's to many on the horizon to shoot that bullet into my mind just yet. All I want is a break. Just a couple of days to relax and not think about anything related to writing at all. Save me?



1 comment:

  1. I think in the near future you will suffer from Carpal tunnel if you dont slow it down
