Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Poisonwood Bible was a really good book, but at the end I was slacking off on the reading and just kind of fell off. Therefore, I am excited we will begin a new novel. If I am correct there are three options and we get to read as many as we want. I know for sure that I want to read The Color Purple, I heard that it's very controversial and interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to start a new novel as well. I'm not sure how the quiz went for me. I don't feel like it was my best, but I don't feel like I did awful on it, so i guess I will just have to wait and see. I liked the book, but it was, at times, too in-depth for me (or maybe I just wasn't seeing all of the perspectives). I'm not sure what novel I will choose next, but I hope I will enjoy it!
