Monday, February 6, 2012

Tyesha's Consciousness

First of all, I spelled consciousness wrong up there and had to fix it. =) Anyways, I thought it was interesting and kind of ( I just scratched my head and my shoulder itches ) fun to write what we were thinking on paper. If we followed and wrote down every thought we had in a day it would be so intriguing, I think, to see what leads to what in our minds. I mean someone can just say a random thing like "Panda's chew on bamboo with broken teeth" and then a memory or something could strike up in your mind and you'd be like "oh this one time.." or "remember when..." or I don't know, but you know what I mean right? hahaha...I don't know why my shoulder started to itch when I wrote on here...maybe I'm allergic the blog!!! Do I get extra credit for this if I'm putting my health at risk?? hahaha...that would be a nice plus.

By the stomach hurts and that's why I'm not eating anything. =) I ate a few chips after dinner and my tummy is like RAWR....I'mma dinosaur and I don't want to eat anymore because I had too much fatty foods today!!! Mwhuahuahua... I had eggs this morning though...I think, wait no I didn't. =) I had cereal...maybe. And half a sandwhich and a cookie for lunch. And then tuna cassorole..but I only had a little in a tortilla.

I just learned something....I can't spell sandwhich or cassorole right. =) I don't feel like fixing them because that's how my brain associates them or whatever but yeah. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't get to the end of this post because that would be a huge accomplishment right there. I mean actually being able to get through some of my thoughts and such until the end of what I write....and if you did get to this part you are probably kind of scared because you dont' know how much longer it will be!!! hahahhaa....well actually, I can't see any further than I'm writing...but you will see all I wrote after I post, so will know how much you have left to read. So that's was a fail on my part. =)

My stream on conciousness is wow..I spelled it wrong...but yeah it's shifting to my sister. Oh, I like Johnny Got His Gun. I mean it was super confusing at first and seemingly random as well but when you put it all together it makes one good book....hahhaa....

Okay, I will end this soon because I'm sure people don't want me to take up a Whole page just to rant the thoughts that go through my little head. They are pretty controlled right now until I just thought about I should really go. hahah...X-men make me smile so much they make me jump up and down and get excited and all that. DBSK is an AWESOME Japanese Boy Band...their voices sound So amazing together!!!! hahaha....Reminds me of our english boy bands...well the used to be ones like Nsync and Backstreet Boys. hahaha...if you successful read through my thoughts (I'm thinking about Pokemon right now but I'm trying to end your misery if you made it this far) I congradulate you for you must have found out that you have a mysteriously long attention span. =) I spelled congratulate wrong up there...but you get my vibe. haha...My vibe. ;) Sounds pretty Hip, doesn't it??

I like puppies!!! <3
And this my post and I gotta work on Portfolio stuff now because mine is really bad so far and I should probably fix that...and stuff soon. So yeah...
I really do think you need to give yourself a pat on the back for reading this all if you did, and if you don't give yourself can let me know and I will give one for you. =) hahaha...
I just scratched my neck and my shoulder itches again. I feel bad for Johnny, can't even scratch an itch...that would be horrible!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah...I know,
    I don't really care about my opinions either...
