Monday, February 6, 2012

side convo. i had with emily towards end of class

alright, so stariha got into the whole thing that Trumbo pointed out that before its all built up and hero like but once your injured or killed your just a number. but was he really trying to make that point across? because in the beginning he states that how his book turned out is not how he intended it. stariha got into this whole thing about how he has all this stuff he puts in to get points across, but i feel in order to do all of those things it would take a great deal of planning. so my thought is maybe he didnt intend to say those things about war but he was subconsiously putting out what he couldnt see. yeah i dont know, its just a thought.


  1. actually this is a side convo you had with kendra? me? haha or both of us.

  2. I think he definitely intended it to be a statement against war... which he acknowledges in both his intro and addendum... however, I think the way the book was used as a political rally point (in particular for anti-Jewish/pro-Nazi readers) really disturbed him, hence the opening disclaimer. Just like if we were to use the book to raise a rebellion against the govt... he might disclaim his role in that (or he might applaud. I don't know!). On a side note, don't have side conversations. Share with the whole class. We want to hear your ideas!

  3. oh stariha, did i not just share with the whole class? ha

    and kendra, im pretty suuuure it was emily... maybe you were creepin in on our conversation?

  4. Sorta like Abe Lincoln changing the civil war to be about Slavery?
