Sunday, May 22, 2011

Can it be?

Could it really REALLY be?!? The end of school just a few days away?! I cant believe it! This year has gone by so fast!! Not to say that there havnt been times where its gone soooo slow that I wanted cry BUT overall its flown!! Only two major things left. One of which being my research paper. Its done and I think it might be ok...but I'm horrified to press the send button!! Theres something finishing it and doing all the editing you can and then actually sending it away. Maybe thats how our parents feel when they send us to college. Like they've done all the work they possibly could but just arn't quite ready to have it evaluated. Kind of a strange thought...comparing a person to a paper. I guess that just goes to show how huge this class has been to me lately. Its really helping though! Despite the stress and occasional tears as I sit, still awake, at 3 in the morning trying to put finishing touches on some phrase or another. I must say that I do enjoy writting now...which I never would've thought was possible like...24 weeks ago! When people say you dont like it because your not very good at it they seem to be right. The changes in my writting style and just transitions alone is clear between my argument essay and this giant paper. Though thats not to say I'm perfect...just to say that I'm better than I was!! So in a very round about way I'm simply trying to say thankyou! Not just to Ms. Stariha although she deserves it, but to the whole class! Our conversations and debates have been PRICELESS!!! I have learned so much and have grown in my opinions to the point where my old self looks just a tad pathetic. But there I go again...rambling...maybe I should hit that little send button and get some sleep!

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