Monday, May 2, 2011

The Color Purple

Inbetween writing my rough draft for my research paper, I decided to start reading The Color Purple. This book is such a great, but sad story. And it is definitly a mature read. I like that it's in a 'slang' style too. I'm interested to see how this book ties into the other three that we have read in class already. Well, happy blogging!

P.S: Mrs. Stariha you'll see me very soon for a conference time :)


  1. I was a little confused with how it jumped from a fourteen year old to a twenty year old and the slang was different. It really showed Celia's lack of eduacation and gave a good sense of who she was. I learned from the reading that she has no voice and never speaks out but, I think that she is very observant. Even though she doesnt know what everything means, she knows how to describe them. For example, when she talked about being pregnant she called it getting big instead of knowing the name for it. Aslo when talking about her period, she had no idea what the meaning behind it really meant...Celia is very uneducated and im curious to see what happens in the rest of the book.

    ....i'm happy that we are onto a new book... that means: fresh start.

  2. If there was a "like" button for your 'fresh start' comment Syd, I'd so click it lol :)

  3. I thought the begining of the book was terrible in the fact that it started off with a fourteen yr old getting raped by her father but im looking forward to the class discussions on this novel
