Monday, May 2, 2011


OK so for those of you who do not know, Pope John Paul II was a big deal for the Catholic Church. He touched on issues that most either Popes wouldn't have. For instance when the US entered in the Iraq war he was basically like what the hell? you guys are idiots, do you think fighting a war is going to fix anything!?! Any who this past Sunday was the Beatification of him, basically meaning they made him a saint!!! whoot! any who i listened to a hommoly given by him that discussed that even the Catholic Church and all other RELIGIONS in the world destroy the idea of faith. he said its sad when a church cares more about expanding and money than FAITH. he simply said regardless if you have a religion you maybe don't have faith, b/c faith is not paying money to a church or going every Sunday, its blind! it kind of reminded me of the Poisonwood Bible! idk why it just did! lol

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