Monday, May 2, 2011

the outline

I am working on recreating my outline and hope that it turns out a lot better than the first. Having Luke's example really does help. There is so much information on his and once mine is finished it will really make it a whole lot easier to start and develop my paper.


  1. I found it really hard to get everything in my outline on paper because i started writing and the next thing i knew i was on page 8!! it was alot easier to write with the outline for sure!

  2. The outline for sure is the hardest part for me. It takes me awhile to get my ideas organized. I think this is the reason that I dont usually outline my big essay on our tests and quizes, because it takes me to long! I would rather start writing and organize my thoughts as I go! But dont worry, im learning! Hopefully this paper is making my outlining skills MUCH better!
