Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Last Word

So at the end of class on Friday, the last thing we talked about was (very briefly) how The Poisonwood Bible is connected to 1984 and Johnny Got His Gun. I suddenly figured out how each of them are based on the government controlling what we do and what we know in our lives. Its interesting how different authors can have the same central theme yet very different means of getting to it. We had one book portray it through a society where it was obvious that there was government control, one where it was through the disasters and hardships of war, and now one that is hidden amongst missionaries in Africa!! They each seem like such different story lines from each other, but when we dig deep into them, they are the same message at the very middle. I'm guessing if we did that more often in literature, we could find numerous trains of books that are all similar in theme.


  1. I wish we would have been able to discuss that more in depth in class. It really does get you thinking..and comparing all other writings together to find a "common" theme well it did for me anyways.

  2. I'm sad that that wasn't mentioned until the end of class--it would have been such a good discussion!
