Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reflections on Nathan=America

When the idea of nathan being a symbol for america and more specifically the american goverment I was quite intrigued. The thought had never occured to me before but know that I think about it i can see the connection. One other thing that i realized was that there are parallels in the way that nathan treats his family and the way the american people are treated by the goverment. First off Nathan has an estranged relationship with his family, he hardly takes the time to get to know them as people and views them as inferior. I find this suprisingly similiar to our relationship with our goverment, i would best describe our relationship with our goverment as estranged at best. Although we know the names of our politicians we hardly now them as people and thats goes both ways. The only time that I see politicans reaching out to the public is when they are campaigning. Another thing i find similair is the way that nathan ignores the opinions of his family and when they have contradicting views he silences them. This is parallel to how our country is supposely run by the people but ultimately our decisions are made by the people in DC, and politicans have a history of going back on their word and betraying the trust of the people. Also our goverment has a history of silencing people who oppose them a fine example would be Lumumba from PWB he had contradicting views and the goverment just got rid of him.

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