Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I was pretty scared about this Op-Ed essay at first. But, after talking to others in the class, and Ms. K I feel much better about it. I like the oppurtunity we have of turning in rough drafts, that way we can make our essays, the best! I think that the conferences we are going to have with Ms. K about our essays will also help us. (:


  1. Me too!! I think the rough drafts are a great way to learn how to write without suffering the hit to our grades if doesnt go as well as planned. I'm kind of excited about the confrences too! It will be great to be able to talk face to face and see what needs to be changed.

  2. I feel the same way about the rough drafts amy! Getting feed back helps especially if you aren't all that sure how strong your points are or if you have a convincing case... conferencing helps a lot also and im glad we could do it.
