Sunday, April 24, 2011

I have been loving life lately. My brother turned 21 today [on Easter Sunday!] and I totally realized that I'm so young [only 17] but I'm growing up so fast. Random, but whatever.

Anyway, I woke up this morning around 8 because my dog would not stop barking! And then I got three text messages from my friends all saying "Happy Easter!" and then I started freaking out, because I thought I had to have something done for College English on Monday. I texted three people from the class and only one of them knew what was happening Monday. We're talking about the Service Project that we're doing as a class for our Senior Projects! I have been thinking out different ideas all throughout today. None of them are particularly great, but I will spit them out in class if I remember to.

I have been super busy all weekend, so I have not read anything past Exodus. And that really disappoints me because I wanted to have it all read by Monday.

1 comment:

  1. About being so young, I (of all people) know exactly how that feels. :) I woke up around 9 and did Easter morning things with my family such as finding our eggs and baskets with our gifts from our parents. I haven't read either (which I'm going to try to get around to that sometime tonight if possible) since our quiz and I'm hoping thats okay. I'm pretty excited about the service project, and I really hope we come up with something great to do for the community.
