Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I was a little confused today when we talked about honor because it means different things to different people. I don't that we should be judged when it comes to our opinion. When I think of honor I think of one of my friends older sisters. Her Fiance went to war around 4 years ago. He died when a bombing took place. She told us that she wanted to go fight for him and do what he loved since he couldn't anymore. So she decided to join the army. She has been there fighting ever since and she loves it. Thats what I think of when we talk about honor.


  1. I see what you're saying that it is personal, this book is going to touch some nerves. What you're talking about is right on target, with gaining respect which is honorable! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I do agree with Kristen on this. Honor does mean different things to different peole and not everyone is giong to have the same opinion. I almost felt like people didn't want to share because they would have been told that their view was wrong.
