Sunday, February 13, 2011

Busy Mid-Winter Break

Thursday: Had an awesome night with Kristen and Alexandria at Kristen's beautiful home. When we first arrived, we at Little Ceasars pizza. It was pretty much awesome! Later worked some on our controversial issue project, listened to music, ate some delicious peaunt buttery ice cream and talked.
Friday: We woke up around 8:30 to get ready and then head to GVSU! :) There we talked to a counselor lady about different questions and important info we need to know about next year while attending this awesome college. Then we took a tour of the campus (my first, and Kristen and Alexandria's second) which was extremely cold and too long. It helped me a little more since I hadn't taken it yet. Although, my sister Kirstie has given me a brief tour when I went to the campus on a visit earlier, and she did a pretty good job. :) Later in the afternoon, we did a little shopping at Walmart and then Kristen took Alexandria and I both home.
Saturday: My mom, my sister Kaylee, and I all woke up around 5:30 am to be at my grandma's house in Hesperia by 7:00am where we would then hitch a ride with one of our dear friend's, Jenna. We then left and were on a 3 and half to 4 hour ride in order to get to Oscoda High School. Here the Hesperia Wrestling team had a tournament. I haven't been to any of theirs this year, and since I am a senior, I decided that it would be nice to watch my cousin, Zack Yates, (a freshman at Hesperia High) wrestle a little bit before I graduate. They all placed (about 11 in first and 1 in each of the second, third, and fourth places) and all did an awesome job. It was a very exhausting day, however, as we didn't arrive home until midnight. It was a lot of fun and I'm really glad I went. :)
Today (Sunday): As of our last day of break, it was more relaxing at first. My dad and I then worked on my mousetrap car for physics (your welcome Andy Brozek) for about an hour and a half. Then around 3:45 we went to meet up with my sister, Kirstie and her boyfriend Bobby at the Main Street Pub in Allendale near to her apartment. We ate out for the Valentine's weekend and just to see each other again since my family hasn't seen her in over 2 weeks. We had fun, and of course we all got full. It was sort of depressing though because they were out of deep-fried dill pickles (their the best!) and sweet potato fries. :( It was good anyways. We then arrived home after making a quick stop at Walmart and Goodwill where I baked a Valentine's cake for my design class and worked on some other things. Now here I am telling all of you about my busy, exhausting, and fun-filled 3 day weekend. I hope you all had just as much fun (and sleep) as I did. See you all tomorrow! :)
(I don't think I really could have waited any longer to post this. :) )

1 comment:

  1. Wow chooch! lol that was a lot to write. Well It sounds like you had a great weekend :)
