Sunday, February 13, 2011

New + Old = ???

I'm really starting to enjoy this class. It's making me accountable for projects and assignments that might not be mentioned in class, which helps me to stay on top of what we're doing. It's probably a good habit to get into, which is part of the reason I took College English.
Johnny Got His Gun is certainly an interesting piece of literature. It's so metaphorical and leaves you in the dark in so many places that you have to think about it in order to understand what you're reading! I love things that make me think, especially a book, thats part of reading.
Well, my groups Controversial Issue is fast approaching and I'm looking forward to putting it together and presenting. It will take alot of time from everyone in our group, but each of us has so many good ideas that it won't be any problem at all :]
Senior Portfolios are also coming up quick! I'm surprised at how time flies, especially when you have a deadline... :/ Most of mine is put together and ready to go, but I still have a couple parts to add to it. I really like looking over what I've done through the years, even though there aren't that many of them!


  1. I've been working on my Portfolio all afternoon and I think it's going to look really professional. I want to see yours, chica! :)
