Sunday, January 23, 2011

Op-Ed Essay

When I first heard about the Op-Ed essay in class I was very confused. Talking to other people in class definetly helped me out. When I started writing the essay I was thinking about the MLA format. I was having trouble with my in-text citations, and I didn't know how to do the footnotes. Luckily we went over that in class. I really found it hard to stay at the limit of 750 words. I had way over that and tried to delete alot of things I didn't need. Hopefully I did good on this paper.


  1. I was also confused. I think that now, after we have gone over it, and talked with classmates that it helped me alot as well.

  2. I was confused too. I am still not really sure on the footnotes but after talking to some people it makes a little more sence.

  3. Kristen,
    I'm going to be conferencing with everyone about there paper. We can go over footnote citation.
