Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Life Hates OPED's

I forgot to bring it to class. So I told myself, Veronica you'll be alright, just bring it in right after school. Right after school rolls around. Totally got caught up talking w/Mrs Glerum and Mr I about my audition in a week! (which my the way I'm totally freaking out about and every time I think about it I want to scream and cry and shave my head like Brittany Spears) So then I couldn't find Stariha. So I told myself, Veronica, don't panic just type it up and send it to her when you get home. I get home, sit down at the computer and can NOT keep my eyes open to save my life. fell asleep. darn it. better just go to bed. Saturday: Ok REALLY GOTTA type up this paper for College English. 10k,basketball game, get home and the computer in our house hold is under the use of someone else. I don't want to start confrontation so I leave it alone. They never got off! So Sunday. I'm super sick. Dang it Laura write that stupid paper! Its already done all you have to to is type it and submit it. too sick. Now its too late to type it up because typing is loud (apparently) and its a school night so I can't be typing so loud and keeping everyone up. So, I know that none of this is going to make a difference and I'm still going to get a zero from Stariha for this paper because she doesn't take crap from anyone (not that that is a bad thing) but yeah. I'm off to (quietly so that I don't keep anyone up) scream and cry and shave my head.

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