Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cant think of a title post

I have spring fever so bad right now! I had these big plans of working on my essay, reading and working on scholarships and all I have done is gone outside. Today I hiked for 4 hours and loved it. I got to see my dad trip and fall and get a butt full of prickers lol. Yes it was a blast! Now I need to get my butt in gear and work on all of this stuff. Thank you Mrs. Stariha for making the essay due next Monday. Oh yes, it is so strange reading through articles that people write such as political speeches and such after doing all of the rhetorical essay work. Its interesting to see the tactics that people use to get their audiences attention.


  1. I completely agree that looking at rhetoric is SO interesting.. I always wonder though if they write that way on purpose or not.. hmmm.

  2. ahh i love sprinng .. i just want summer alreadyy ahh!

  3. I don't know that people always know exactly what technique they use to try to persuade people, but it can't be coincidental that there is an entire study devoted to the use of rhetoric... I mean, why study it if there isn't some art to the craft, right?

    I wish I could have enjoyed my day outside... I had the flu. Yuck.

  4. I have spring fever mixed with senior-itis. I just want to wake up early and run! and then read in the sun after jumpuing in the lake to cool off. AAAH summer

  5. I can never think of tittle's lol and i usually end up just putting smiley faces or random things? haha
