Wednesday, January 4, 2012


What did everyone think of the test?

I think I did alright? But the INGSOC thing I could not figure out. I found a few places they mentioned it in the book but I still didn't understand it. Did anyone else have trouble with that question?


  1. I thought it pretty much was reffering to the changing of history. I found that question confusing because i really couldn't find it in my book either. :/

  2. i was just confused about the whole thing...but i'm pretty sure i did..semi-okay?

  3. i thought i did pretty good on the test actually , i felt pretty confiendent about all the answers it took me a little bit to find the INGSOC but i found it on pg 26 , i feel like brit lit helped prepare me a lot

  4. Yes! I had no clue what INGSOC was! I kept looking in my book and decided it was probably something to do with the thought police but I couldn't find an exact answer. Laura said its newspeak for English Socialism. Whoops!

  5. i didnt even really know about the INGSOC. like i remember reading parts of it but i couldnt really find much about it either
