Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I don't like to title posts

I don't feel like writing a big long post, so I just simplified my thoughts for the day instead:
What's the point of working hard if you get nothing but failure to show for it in the end?

I would keep the post at that, but I know that a part of me doesn't believe that at all. I know that I'll keep trying because it's stupid to give up when things don't go your way. I hope our Controversial Issue thing goes well on Friday...it's kind of nerve racking not knowing what all we should put in and leave out. But things will go how they are meant to, I suppose. hahaha....
I think I'm going to need help on my Op-Ed essay because I don't know how to split my Topic into a few points. So yeah...random post that was meant to be short and ended up like this I guess. Normally I would say today has been a bad day...but really, I am healthy, I'm alive, I didn't lose a limb or a family member...so I guess all in all, today is still a good day.

I don't like to title posts because I can't figure out what to title them!!! =)

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