Friday, April 15, 2011

Nathan = US Authorities

Nathans relationship with his family is weak. As the father figure everyone looks up to him but in fear not by admiring him. He controls their feelings and beliefs negatively. His daughters and wife believe in Christianity not because of their faith but its what is expected by Nathan. Nathan is feared by his family with the control he has over them. This is closely related to the US Authorities with the Congo. The Congo fears America because of the power and control they have over them. The US authorities control the Congo in their beliefs and way of life. The Price family and the Congo live for others not for themselves which is wrong!


  1. Yeah, when I read through this section, I almost had to put the book down a second in disgust. I really dispise Nathan. It's a shame too, because he really means well, he's just such a four letter word that rhyms with tick about it.

  2. I love how Kingsolver uses Nathan to show the read, on a personal level, how a relationship based on fear and oppression works. Nathan gives a face and personality to the act of "conquest."

  3. I totally agree Bethany. You took the words right out of my mouth!
