Wednesday, February 9, 2011

114 Days...

So this is really random, but it's been stuck in my head for the past couple of days: the topic of Graduation. 114 days left, including weekends and breaks, untill Graduation. I honestly can not wait. I just got my post card in the mail about picking our caps and gowns up in March. I'm so anxious, I want June 3rd to come really quick! Okay, ranting is over with.

Reading through Johnny Got His Gun seems waaaay more interesting than 1984. Don't get me wrong, I like the political aspect and rebelling against the government, but it was a boring read. JGHG is more in depth with emotions, and War is a topic that is hitting home for a lot of people these days. I like how the story jumps back and forth between time periods because it keeps you, as the reader, engaged in what is being said. Hopefully the book only gets better from here!

P.S: Come see the Varsity Competitive Cheer team today @ our home meet tonite @ 6! :)


  1. dang...114 days and we are DONE! It's a scary thought, especially since when we are done, so are some of the people I never thought would make it to the end of high school when I first met them in middle school.

    We've spent so much time with each other as a class--it's going to be crazy to live without everyone.

  2. This really puts everything into perspective.. I mean next fall most of us won't even speak with the people we're around all the time right now. It's definitely scary, but exciting!

  3. First of all... depressing! I'm excited to graduate, I admit, but I'm not ready enough to be that excited about getting out of here. Maybe thats because I'm a family type of girl. I know I will be able to come home a lot while I'm at GVSU, but still. After seventeen years at home, its going to be a big change for me (and I'm sure for a lot of others).

    About the book, I'm not sure if I like it or not yet. Partially because of the fact that it jumps around, as you were saying, and partially because of the way it is written. I know I will be able to understand the story better after class discussions and such, but I hope it won't take me too long to get it.

    And Alexandria, I know I'll be seeing you around after graduation! GVSU here we come! :)

  4. I totally agree with you Taylor! It is going to be super different because we all have been together for 6 years. I'm excited to get a chance to "start over" though. Especially since so far I'm the only one going up to Ferris for sure.
