Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A quote and a question

Since i didn't have time to share my quote in class today i thought i would share on here. It is found on pgs 436-437 and it goes like this "They take one look at the expensive, foreign-made uniforms of Mobutu's police and know to keep their thoughts to themselves. They know who stands behind Mobutu, and that in some place as far away as heaven, where the largest rules are made, white and black lives are different kinds of currencies. When thirty foreigners were killed in Stanleyville, each one was tied somehow to a solid exchange, a gold standard like the hard Belgian franc. But a congolese life is lie the useless Congolese bill, which you can pile by the fistful or the bucketful into a merchant's hand, and still not purchase a single banana." I like this quote for two reasons, one is that to me it shows how people tend look the other way whenever they hear of death and tragedy in third-world countries. And secondly I like this quote because of the comparison kingsolver makes between the value of a congolese life and a congolese bill, althought it is harsh I find the comparison to be nonetheless true.

Oh and i wondering if anyone can clarify for me what the thesis is since it's due on friday?


  1. I'm not sure what the thesis is. I think it is just the main point we are trying to make, but I don't know how she wants it presented or anything. I'm probably going to just type up an introduction paragraph and use that as my thesis.

  2. Quite honestly, I'm not sure how the thesis is suposed to be. I know factual, but....yeah...
