Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The quiz an hour ago...

Whhhoooooaaa booyyy.... I'm not to sure about that last quiz.  Talking after class, I knew some of those short answers, but not when I was taking it (how does that always happen...?)

But any way, over the break I read the  whole book, and am looking forward to talking about future events.  There were a few parts where I actully "LOL'ed"  But there were also some parts where I felt a little lost... I'm really looking to the quote circles and class discussions for some help.

And about that Senior Project, are we going to be going over it any time soon?  Because I've bearly started my reasearch paper...


  1. Don't worry Ross, your not alone! I thought long and hard about the first short answer question, (the one about Anotoles only wish) and then after class I asked someone what the answer was and I found out it was the globe! I felt so stupid because after someone told me it made alot of sense!

  2. That's what happened to me, Emily! I ended up talking about how Anatole wished that the Price family would learn the Congolese ways, and Leah responded by letting Anatole teach her how to shoot a bow-and-arrow. I'm so sad that I forgot about the globe :'(

    Hopefully, my argument for it was good enough to count for at least some points.

  3. So we are sitting in the computer lab, going over the Senior Project, so I guess we are going to go over it. lol :)
