Monday, April 11, 2011

I Love Quote Circles!

Everyone brings something different to the quote circles! There are some things we mentioned today that I didn't catch when I was reading, but they seemed pretty valuable. Also, I really love getting Ms. Stariha's input on the story because she has read it a bunch of times, I'm assuming. She always mentions something interesting and draws connections that I possibly didn't see while I was reading. Alright, so even though I am LOVING the storyline of The Poisonwood Bible, I really think Johnny and 1984 were more exciting reads. Maybe it's just me that thinks that. I liked the mysteriousness of the two of them, and I feel like The Poisonwood Bible is interesting as well, but I personally liked the other two books a little bit more. Don't get me wrong, The Poisonwood Bible is a great story, and I really like it. For the quiz tomorrow (thank you Ms. Stariha for postponing it a day--the quote circle really helped), I need to remember that if a question asks me to analyze, I need to avoid summarizing. I did that on last quiz and lost a few points for it--sad day. I just have to get it through my skull that analyze does not equal summarize. Maybe if I say it enough times...


  1. You probably didn't even read my post, Ross :P

  2. I also need to avoid summarizing and just get straight to the point. But I actually like this novel a lot more than the other two books that we read in class. I just like how the author is very similar to Jodi Picoult who is one of my favorite authors.

  3. I think it is fun how everyone connects to different novels (when they actually read them!). Of course, I love all of the books I select to use with you guys... And yes Taylor, I have read PWB many times, and I am rereading it with you guys right now. Each time I read it, it actually becomes better! (If you can believe it.) A lot of your classmates struggle with summarizing... I think it is just what you are used to doing! Break the habit.
