Sunday, February 20, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about college lately. I'm really torn between a few and I know where I want to go, but I keep having second thoughts. Calvin is such an amazing college and I absolutely love it. I can see myself there and I know it will be great for me. However, there are things pulling me towards Hope and MSU. I've visited all three and I love all of the campuses. I liked how MSU was it's on little city, how Hope is a part of Holland, and how Calvin seems like a community close to Grand Rapids. I think that educationally, Calvin or Hope would put me in the best position to get accepted into medical school. But, MSU is more known for that. U of M medical school loves Calvin students, which is the main reason why I'm leaning more towards Calvin. But I'm still torn....

As far as the quiz tomorrow, I'm EXTREMELY nervous. I have been reading this book so quickly, because it is so good, that I forget to annotate because I don't want to miss anything.

Another thing:
I'm still confused as to why we discuss the themes of the book after the first couple of chapters. I thought a theme was something that the whole book was about, which would imply figuring it out at the end of the book, not in the first couple of chapters. I don't know what the themes of this book are and we have a quiz about it tomorrow. It doesn't make sense to talk about them because we haven't read the whole book yet. It would be so much more enjoyable of a book if we didn't have to try to predict what is going to happen as a class. When I read books just for fun, I try to figure out what is going to happen early, but it's more fun to guess by myself rather than hearing other people's guesses. And it bothers me when someone gives away part of the book because I want to read it for myself, and not because someone tells me.

I still have no idea what a "particular thing" is.