Thursday, February 3, 2011

Buried Alive

I got my mom's Suburban stuck in our driveway. I wanted to get some butter to make some chocolate chip cookies so i grabbed her car. There's no way my G-6 would have made it out alive, so I figured 4-wheel drive would be a good idea. The driveway was drifted with about 2-3 feet of snow and it was no problem, until I got to the end of the driveway. Unknown to me, the end of the driveway was drifted with about 4 feet of snow and the Suburban got really stuck. I put it from auto-4 to 4 high and nothing. So I put it in neutral and switched to 4 low. Still nothing. I decided to walk back to the house, but I couldn't open the door to the car. I started freaking out until I realized that if I pushed on the door hard enough, the snow piled up behind it would move. Eventually, Christopher came over and I was going to go to his house. He had a tug strap in his Jeep so we attached it to the tow hooks on the front of the Suburban. After digging all four tires out and some pulling, the Suburban was freed, but still no butter for my cookies. It's 12:36 am and I'm really tempted to go get some, but it's WAY too cold outside!

I'm working on my Op-Ed essay and I'm worried that it's not going to be good enough. I'm putting so much work into it, but it's still not going to be good enough...


  1. Well, I don't know how you feel about the "getting stuck" part, but about the essay, I know exactly how you feel. I was working on it yesterday and I'm working on it again today, and I don't know how its gonna turn out. I'm really nervous about it and I hope it turns out okay. If you know anything about the works cited page, could you please let me know? I'm doing footnotes but I don't need a works cited for my examples or whatever so far (since they are coming from information I already know), so I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that. So, if you know, feel free to comment. Thanks. And I hope you're have a great snowday again! :)

  2. Taylor,
    You need to have more confidence in yourself!
    We all know that your essay is going to be fine, so just try your hardest and you'll do great.

    On the whole "snow" topic, my dad's friend was plowing our drivway when all of a sudden he got stuck! So I had to pull him out with our quad while Rob (dad's friend)iron toed the accelerator in reverse. Now there's a huge hole in our drivway, but it was fun!

  3. We got stuck too!! The roads have been really bad the last couple of days!!

  4. My brother blew up the 4X4 in his truck on the first snow day! My jeep wasn't going anywhere, it sat lifelessly for the past two days in our driveway. :(

  5. I'm still not sure what to do about footnotes and works cited. Miss Kreilick said that there is an insert, footnote thing on my version of windows, but I can't find it :/

    And thanks, Ross. You're very good at encouraging :)
