Thursday, May 10, 2012

Defeat =( ...

Okay...I must admit that I need help with this Project. I attempt and attempt to find more information but I can't seem to find the right stuff. Even when I do find doesn't seem like it's enough to make my paper. =( I can't find someone to interview (I'll keep looking) and my surveys are just yeah...we're not going to talk about those. *sigh* I feel like no matter how hard I try on this project... I'm destined to fail. =( Okay...maybe not fail, Fail...but pretty close to it. =/ Seeing as we are doing this in a group, I can't let them down because that is TOTALLY unfair and just yeah... So I need to get "on the ball" I guess, and sign up for conference time!!! -Discouraged Tyesha =/ (But I'll keep on working!!! I just need help focusing my information...just saying) =P Didn't want to sound like a total downer. Oh and my cat is laying on my lap and my arm so it makes it kind of hard to type. =) ha ha...she's a weird one. lol


  1. I really feel like my paper is super scatterbrained and i need to focus it, im sure stariha will atest

  2. Hey! my cat used to do that too! it made typing extremely haarrd because she'd always meow whenever i tried to type.
