Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Thought Today

I had an interesting trail of thoughts today that I thought I would share!

When we were discussing Maslow's needs I thought of how Winston mentions that no one is particularly good looking even though the government claimed to have figured out how to only show the best traits. At first I thought it showed that there was a flaw in the government. Then today I thought that maybe it was intentional. Maybe to keep their esteem low they made them all ugly. After some more thought I decided to nix the idea. I think that only Winston and a few older people even understand what beauty is.


  1. I think the key word is the government "claimed".
    They are very decietful.
    They probably just said that so people would think ugly is pretty.

  2. But they also dont really have a desire to search for beauty. Like how can you know what beauty is, if you dont even know to look for it.
