Sunday, May 20, 2012


Did I blog yet this week? I can't remember so I'm going to say I didn't and write this one. I'm working on my paper right now, hoping to get it done quick so that I can get some decent sleep tonight. And I need a shower, my feet are real dirty. And Jen broke my dock. Just broke it. I don't really know how to end my paper, my grandma suggested that I write "and that's all I know. The End." but I didn't think that Stahria would like that so I need to come up with something else. And I'm a little stressed about the presentation that my group is giving tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. Seems to me like I am procrastinating right now so I am going back to my paper. Good night y'all!


  1. haha Chris!!! I'm in the same exact boat except Jen didn't break anything of mine, and I don't present until friday haha

  2. i will just be honest and say that i'm sitting here..laughing all by myself like an idiot. this made my day!

  3. christian, lets be honest... your feet were gross..
    and I was really sad ben left so early today,
    I was planning on coming back and then he texted me and said he left.. boo.

  4. I DIDN'T BREAK YOUR DOCK! there were 4 other people on that dock besides me...and I'm gonna say it's a safe bet that Sam weighs more than me....
    and good luck on your presentation! I'm excited to see it!
