Friday, May 18, 2012

Graduation Poem! (Written by Tyesha Johnson)

Only once does one go through here
Leaving a mark behind,
But what the mark ends up to be
Is for you to decide.
Now I know you time is up here
And you're moving on,
But that doesn't mean we'll forget you
Just because you're gone.
Some of you are remembered as Nerds
And others as Class Clowns,
But these labels won't move with you
Unless you let them drag you around.
You can be who you decide
No matter what your classmates say,
YOu can be a famous singer
Or known for brightening peoples day.
You migh become an astronaut
Or maybe a Vet or Nurse,
Or maybe you are a Housewife
For better or for worse.
Maybe you want to dance
Or study Geology,
Maybe you're not quite sure
Just what you want to be.
One thing I am sure of
That I hope, for all, is true,
Is that no matter which way you go
You always believe in you.

If you stop believing
Things will begin to fall apart,
So continue to perservere, work hard
And it will take you far.
It's like you've stitched a quilt of opportunity
Collecting all thse years of dreams,
And instead of cherishing this quilt
You watch it ripping at the seams.
My advice would be to protect the quilt
And make sure it stays strong,
Because if you cherish your opportunities,
Success will lead you on.
I tell you this to encourage you
So one day you can proudly state:
I have worked hard through College
And am ready to graduate.
Today there are goodbyes said
Here, at Shelby, many memories are held,
But now it's Hello to new beginnings
So Good Luck Class of Twenty-Twelve!!!

Author: Tyesha Johnson <3


  1. Tyesha this is super good!!!! :) I love it!

  2. Replies
    1. I kind of wish I could, only because I worked so hard on writing it...but I don't think it's going to happen. =P

  3.'re gonna make me get all emotional and start crying. i love this tyesha! thanks for writing it:)

  4. ahhh...that was so good. I want to print it out and keep with me. Thanks for writing it (:

  5. Thanks guys. =D
    And your welcome for writing it...haha, it was inspired by you guys in this College English class. <3
    Thanks for helping to make this year (and class) better and more efficient! hahaha... but yeah. lol
