Friday, May 11, 2012

Facebook Vow

So if you read my previous post,
I said I wasn't going to get on facebook while I was writing my paper.
Weeeeelllll I did.
And as I was on Tyesha posted a status about how she would rather be writing a creative story or doing something else than writing our papers.
And I commented and was like yeah me too!
And then we concluded that we should probably be writing it rather than being on facebook.
So then we made a vow to stay off facebook the rest of the night and we were going to check each others profiles the next day to make sure we didn't post anything.
And it worked.
I stayed off facebook and saved my self some time writing my paper.
So thank you Tyesha! :D


  1. hahaha...
    Your Welcome!!! =)
    I'm glad it helped you, and thank you as well because it helped me too.
    At one point I almost got on and I was like
    "No Tyesha! You told Kaitlin you wouldn't and you need to get your project done!!!" hahaha...
    So then I continued writing my paper,
    until it was 12:00 and I started hearing weird creaky noises outside. I got scared and went to bed. =P

    I love Vows now. =) They are helpful.

  2. dude getting on Facebook is a major problem for me, actually anything in the world sound more interesting than paper writing, and i have the cutest puppies ever. and then sometimes i just go online shopping .

  3. Honestly, I get sooooo distracted on the computer, there is literally sooo much to do that it becomes more of a hurter than a tool. lol

  4. I think we should all get on facebook at on time...that'd be fun! haha facebook and pinterest really distracts me...a lot. a lot.
