Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I just thought about this. We read the unknown soldier in class today and it talked about the lies spread about the glories of war and how soldiers die a glorious death full of honor. Well how often do WE conform to the demands of society? How often do we do something because they say we should? They feed us all the lies of what we should do with our lives and the recipe for success. In reality people need to find what they are passionate about if they want to be happy in life. NO ONE can decide our lives for us. It is a sad day when a man lies dying on a field and finally realizes the insignificance of his sacrifice in the face of reality.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this.
    It shows kinda how we do things for others, even if maybe we don't want to them ourselves. Kid are taught to give up on their dreams of being 'athletes, singers," what ever, just because they'll never make it, and college is the way to go..not always.
