Friday, February 3, 2012


Just thought I would let everyone know I am pro gay rights because I don't think that came across during the discussion today(:


  1. its not love, but dont everyone jump on me like a cougar cuz im expressing my oppinion just like you are..

    1. okay... I'm not for gay rights and I disagree with you Garret. LOVE is when someone loves someone. Like a girl loves a guy, SURE, but also how a mother loves her daughter, like a grandmother loves her grandson, how two best friends love each other even if they are the same sex. Then you get into if they "Love" but a different type of love. like the (excuse my middle school language) *Love Love kinda love. And in that case.. I don't think WE have a right to say what is going on. But I don't think its natural, i don't think its right, but that doesn't mean that they don't' love one another, in one way or another. ANDDDDDDDDD Tyler, to kinda point out what your saying, LOVE is actually just a reaction to some chemicals in our bodies. A PHYSICAL REACTION... like a sneeze. Its not some floating bug that bites you, its not an arrow that shoots you, its not a tangible thing, THAT is why everyone wants it, THAT is why every good romance ends in love, because they attained the unattainable... they held something that isn't tangible....
      Just saying.

    2. I agree.....and love is the last thing befor a relationship happens.....first there is an attraction and that leads into "love" so love is a choice maybe not attraction but love is and even attraction can be a choice

  2. what is love really?

  3. No matter how hard I choose I will never be in love with Rosie O'Donnell.... just like I'm pretty sure Garrett couldn't choose to be in love with Robert Pattison and Tyler couldn't choose to be in love with David Spade. So, although it is always a choice to consummate a relationship physically... who we are naturally attracted to is not a choice no matter how hard you argue it is.

  4. By the way... that was not be jumping all over you like a cougar Garrett.

  5. thankyou stariha, haha, but brianna, im pretty sure you believe in the bible right? so how can you say homesexuality is a sin, and say that they can genuinely love eachhother? two people cannot love eachother in sin, its not love, its lust, im not saying a guy cant love a guy, but they cant love the same sex in a romantic way, its a sin, if they really loved one another, they would realize that same sex relationships hurt people and that its not loving to put eachother into that relationship...

    p.s. To all the pro gays, i am speaking to brianna, so dont go and freak out about what i say....

    1. just because there is two girls, two guys, or a girl and a guy they can still love each other.

  6. FYI-You can be pro-gay rights and not be pro-gay. FYI- the Bible also clearly says let he who is without sin cast the first stone and that all sins are equal in the eyes of the lord... so if we don't have laws against people getting married who have had children/sex out of wedlock, and we don't have laws against speaking for those who have taken the Lord's name in vain, and we don't have laws of imprisonment for those who cheat on their spouses, why do we have laws preventing gays from getting married? IF any laws are based on the Bible, all of them should be... but then the scary thing of WHOSE bible are you using to determine the laws comes in too. I know your previous point was to Bri... but just wanted to give you some more "food for thought." And I'm not freaking out either... or this would be in all CAPS (ask Mallory).

    1. well i never said that those other things werent wrong, because they are, any kind of sex outside of marriage, divorce, or cheating on your wife/husband are all wrong, that includes homosexuality...

    2. So which sins get government backing in the way of laws and which sins don't, and how do we differentiate?

  7. So I have always been on and off about how I feel about religion. I was raised not going to church and told that what ever I believe is what I believe and no one should tell me otherwise. I have been to plenty of different churches with friends (Non Denominational, Baptist, Catholic, and Methodist) and heard a lot of peoples ideas on gay rights. I have grown up with my moms best friend being a lesbian. She has a son and they are a wonderful family. So its kind of hard to explain where I am going with this and I'm not looking to attack religion or anything because I have always been on the fence about it but looking at it from a religious point of view or not, I will always be pro gay rights.

  8. I feel like with all the controversial issues tend to always come back to religion because for some of us in this class religion or the bible is what we strive to base our life around, the bibles teachings, values and morals are what we strive to live by- a CHOICE that we are CHOOSING to make. Im not going to get on here and tell everyone that they need to come to my church right now, believe what I believe, pray the prayers that I pray, and view things the way I view them. I wouldn't do that because then it wouldn't be their choice. But in my eyes homosexuality is a sin,... so is saying Gods name in vain, cursing, lying, premarital sex, lust, cheating, and pride. And by no means am I saying that I have never committed those things in my life before- but I aspire not to. But I am also not going to judge someone who does, because that would be completely hypocritical considering I still constantly fall into sin. I would especially not judge someone who doesn't even believe what I do, because how can I expect them to uphold my values when values arent theirs.

    sooo, all that to say that even though Im not pro-gay, I wouldn't vote against gay rights because that's their choice... but I'm not pro-gay rights. make sense?

    1. Like in FCA a while back we talked about how you can't really hold your values to someone elses values, because they may have been raised completely differently and not have the same as you.

  9. Sarah, I totally understand where you are coming from. I guess because I don't consider myself religious at all it's hard for me to consider the bible a valid-er argument over any other book or religion a valid-er argument than other morals.
    also Garret, I'm certain that homosexuals CAN love each other otherwise why would there be so many relationships, marriages, and partnerships that last longer than heterosexual ones.

  10. well i guess people didnt get my whole "dont comment on this because it is to brianna" but alright, i guess people can think what they want, i really dont care if people are pro-gay or not, because it doesnt matter at all, i have a couple gay friends, and that doesnt make them any less of a person, so why does it matter? i guess if people want to be gay they can, thats their choice, but if they start gettin all homo on me, then thats a different story....

  11. Okay well if you put something on the blog then i think it's open to everyone to comment and share their opinion on it. just sayin'. also, if you think that being gay "doesnt make them any less of a person" then why do you think they don't deserve rights? that they can't love? that they can't be who they are?
