Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Well today was certainly an interesting day...
Especially since I got called out on trying to warm my hands on Sarah's neck. =P haha
I thought that the conversations and Free Writes were very interesting...but deeper than that I was thinking about this whole class and what I'm learning from it. I think that this class is helping me to try and think 'out of the box' or to not believe everything you see and what the government or anyone tells you. I think that in some ways when we were children we kind of taught that if an Adult tells us something...we do it, or believe what they say. Instead of questioning if those ideas could be right or wrong, we just assumed they were right. So when I read something or hear something on the News, my mind is starting to stop and think of what is being said is all truth, or if it has been changed in some way or another. For Example...Hand sanitizer that I totally spelled wrong. says that it fights 99.9% of bacteria, but it is also tested in a Laboratory where the bacteria is nothing like it would in a school. What they say on the bottle is true...but just not in the settings that we use it. Anyways...Now it's becoming our time to be the Adults and what are we going to do? Will we let our children believe everything an Adult tells them, or will we teach them at a young age to think for themselves? I wish that I had been introduced to ideas like these a long time ago because I think it would be a lot easier for me to analyze and look deeper into things I see and read. It's a new concept to me and I will continue trying to find new meanings in old texts and such...but yeah, I guess I just thought I'd share that. =)
Oh! And I am eating banana bread. =)
Just so you know...chewing with your front teeth is a lot of work and it doesn't work nearly as well as the ones in back. hahahhaa.... just saying.


  1. This whole cycle of "Who do I trust info from?" frustrates the heck out of me! I hate it! I have suck a hard time believing anything/ believing everything!

  2. Wow... you crack me up Tyesha. It is kind of scary when the things you always believed without questions become questionable. That is part of becoming conscious. "Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." There are a LOT of unconscious people out there, because it is easier. (Not better... easier.) Sorry to hear about your suck problems Maddie.
