Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nursery Rhyme

So I did some extensive research on the nursery rhyme thingy...

Did you know that the nursery rhyme about three blind mice

"three blind mice, three blind mice

see how they run, see how they run,

they all ran after the farmers wife

who chopped off their tails with a carving knife,

have you ever seen such a sight in your life

as three blind mice"

Actually has to do with Bloody Mary (Queen Mary 1) who had three of her political leaders conspire against her in which she promptly had them exacuted. As I read on about different nursery rhymes it said in the reading that Nursery Rhymes were the way that people 'jousted' at the government, a way of truly explaining political feelings. As I thought about this more, I thought that the current version of Nursery Rhymes are Politcal Cartoons. Children like cartoons even though they don't always truly understand the weight of what they hold, and they clearly state an opinion on something.


  1. I had read that Bri and I found it fascinating. Do you remember briefly talking about Bloody Mary in Brit Lit? Also, I like your analogy about the political cartoons... it works!

    1. oooo look! I can now reply directly to your comment! this is exciting!

  2. I was with Bre when she was looking this up and i find it soo fasinating! ooo we should write our own nursery ryhme about our class!
