Saturday, January 28, 2012

No Worries, Im not going to come and kill your kittens.

Okay, so I just wanted to clarify something from friday, Im not really an animal hater who has no heart. haha. I just feel like there is a clear difference between a human and animal, and if testing on animals as compared to humans can save a humans life, then personally I see no issue with it. Yes, I understand that I haven't seen chimps backs being broken, or poor little bunnies suffering to death, but in my eyes, they are just animals that are being used for the good of humanity. And in all honesty, if animal testing wasn't being done for some of my medications that I'm on currently, then I probably wouldn't be living right now.

... wow, alright this still isn't sounding any better, ha.

But there is one more thing that I was thinking about when it came to this issue, I feel like a huge part of this issue is whether you believe in creationism or evolution. A person who believes in evolution (fully) would look at that chimp and think that we are torturing something that is so close to us, because we came from it, and rose above it. But if you believe in creation, then you look at an animal that God gave us dominion over?.. I dont know if that really makes sense to all, and Im not saying that I'm basing my total beliefs off of the bible by any means; but its probably easier for me to be pro animal testing because I dont think God created us equal to animals.. (And I am not saying that all Christians believe this same way at all, more so not everyone from my church)

and, I hope to one day be a doctor, so I feel like in one way or another animal testing is going to cross my path and I don't want to be hypocritical about it.


  1. i know what you mean emily and im the creation side .. and like idk i dont wanna get to religious on this blog but i think that god did put us in charge of the animals like its better to test on them.. we shld not be seen as equals.

  2. I see your point but at the same time it reminds me a little like what Hilter thought when did testing on the invalid and mentally handicapped during the Holocaust. He thought because he was healthy and normal that he had a dominion over those that were weaker, but that didn't make it right.

  3. Em all I have to say is I'm glad I dont have a cat.. :P hehe

  4. Jen, Yeah like I completely understand but the difference between me and you is that you see us as coming from animals, rather than them being a completely different dominion. ... And Hitler was still testing on people; just like the fetus is still going to be a person when it comes to the whole pro-life, pro-choice argument. I just believe that there is significant difference between a person and an animal.

    hahaha, Im not even going to lie though, cats are not my favorite. lol

  5. However... to argue from a creationist point of view... Christian interpretation of the Bible says that we are put on this earth to "have dominion" but that has been read not just to dominate but to have stewardship as well. So I ask whether or not exploiting those creatures that are essentially defenseless simply because we have power to do so... really shows good stewardship?
