Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's our fault...

So I have been thinking about 1984 an awfully lot, and I have come to a conclusion. I don't believe that the United States (rather the world) is falling straight into what 1984 is, but I do believe that we are giving the Gov. an awfully lot more control than we think. I think its all our fault. We let the government control certain things, and then freak out that they are becoming too powerful. But when times are hard, we are MORE THAN HAPPY to allow them to take care of things. But how are they supposed to give up power when they are freely given it until times get better, then we want it back? If we want to be 'grown ups' then we ought to learn how to take care of our problems even when times suck! Otherwise we are being... idiots... not involved in the government (by definition). So yeah... every time we complain about how the gov. is getting to powerful... maybe we should make sure that it wasn't us being whimpy and afraid to face the tough times.

just a thought.

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