Monday, January 2, 2012

Hypothetically if it was "Skip Day"

So if tomorrow happened to be a "skip day" for a certain class (hypothetically of course) we would have to turn in our essays anyways... via email or siblings or snail mail. And if a certain class were (hypothetically of course) to skip tomorrow students with sports would only have to be there after 3rd hour. And if a certain class of students were to hypothetically skip tomorrow they should all skip together, united (hypothetically of course). And if it were hypothetically "skip day" tomorrow you would all be a bunch of Big Bottom Good for Nothing Batch of Losers if you showed up to class. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart you No Fun Cry Baby Thumb Sucking Potato Eating Sons of Biscuits! All joking aside you're a Sorry Bunch of Cat Sitting Dateless Bugeyed Tomato Eating Ho-down Dancing Barn Raising City Slicking Plagued Mother Truckers if you even consider not partaking in a hypothetical (of course) skip day.


  1. slow clapping that one out...that use of insults without actually swearing was talent. pure and utter talent.

  2. Tomato eating is prolly my favorite part

  3. Hahaha Maddie this was awesome:]

  4. yeah but skipping was just a total fail on seniors part because of sports and what not, we will probably have to make another one (;
