Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I connected the two articles and Orwell's purpose of 1984 with the concept of manipulation and fear. Politician's use fear to manipulate us into feeling a sense of security with their actions and presence. They work off of our fear to gain our loyalty and trust. In 1984 Big Brother uses Oceania's fear to gain their confidence. He then manipulates their fear so that his actions are all justified as means to protect them from their fears. However the second article talks about how our fear is manufactured and in this case Big Brother drives the people of Oceania to the point of insanity where there is nothing they don't fear. Oceania has gotten to the point where they drive fear out of everything they know and that make Big Brother even more powerful than ever. I think the second article spoke out to me more because it's harder to accept that fear is simply fabricated and not always real. I also like the way it started out in a second person point of view and then switched over to first person. This makes the thesis more personal and draws me in to accepting the concept of the fabrication of fear.

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