Saturday, January 14, 2012

Controversial Issue Discussions

Before I begin to state the way I view our conversations on Controversial Issues and about the Health Care one we just discussed, I would like to share something with everyone. I have mixed feelings about sharing my opinions in class for a few reasons. If I am not very knowledgeable about a certain subject than I don't like to talk about things I am not sure of. Like with the Health Care, I only first grasped what it was all about during the discussion and didn't have anything I could say that would make the conversation more interesting or thought provoking. The other reason is because I am really bad at talking, I always have been and maybe I won't always be but I think I have communication issues. hahaha...It's like...when I'm writing, I can see my thoughts in front of me and that's what I build off from in order to come up with ideas. In my mind I can form or plan out everything I want to say...but when it's my turn to talk, my words get all jumbled and my formulated 'plan' goes down the drain.

Moving on...
I understand a lot more about why Universal Health Care is a controversial issue. So I did learn a lot. During the conversation I remembered a video I watched about Health Care in Advanced Health Class ( I think it was Advanced anyways...). It was devastating to see people who were dying because their insurance would cover a surgery that would save their life. One woman had a tumor (or something) in her brain and her Insurance wouldn't cover the surgery that would save her life. After a while of waiting and trying to discover a way she could have this life-saving surgery, she ended up moving to Canada. In Canada, she was able to get the surgery she needed and is still alive today. ( least when we watched the video) I guess the point I am getting at is I don't really know what Health Care plan we should have but all I know is that people shouldn't have to die because they don't have the money to stay alive. That women would have died if she stayed here just because she couldn't pay to get the tumor removed. It's not her fault that it grew there, and it's not fair that so many must die just because their Insurance won't cover medical procedures that would save them.

Anyways....I am going to work on my Portfolio and my Essay.
This should be interesting.

Oh and I just ate a life saver gummy. =) Those a quite tasty. Compared to the nasty "Protein Shakes" I 'eat' at lunch at school anyways. hahaha... I like writing random stuff at the end of my posts. hehehe...


  1. oooo i love life saver gummies! haha and i want to let you know that i enjoy your blog're so quiet in class but i love that i can know what you think on the blog!

  2. Me too... Thanks for sharing Tyesha. And I hope my the end of class you begin to trust in your ability to voice your ideas/questions/thoughts... because often the quietest people have the most to say! I agree with the life saver gummy delight as well... don't eat just one!
