Tuesday, May 10, 2011

random blog

as i was getting on to blog something a song came across my i-tunes
and it made me think...

its one of the dumbest songs i've every heard..
its called true friend by hannah montana.
why is it on my i-tunes then? long story.

but it did make me stop and think..
do true friends or "best friends forever" truly exist?
as i thought, my conclusion was..... heck no!
at least not in this point of life.

friendship takes time, effort, care, interests, caring for each other and love.
a best friend is there til the end and will be by your side no matter what.
soo can a teenage girl fulfill the criteria?

no. there is so much in a teenagers life where some people dont know the things that have really been a blessing in their life.

if you have a so called best friend...
treat them the best that you can! give them all your heart and time as you would a significant other. a friend is one of the best things in life you can have.
cherish them, treat them like gold and you will get that in return (most of the time)

listen to the song and think... does your best friend do all that for you?
if they do.. you have a keeper... if they dont... your search continues.

maybe...if i see evidence that it does exist i will believe... but for now.. im so very doubtful.


  1. Is there a like button? Haha, you're so right girl. Teenage girls bring nothing but drama! Most of them just look for attention in the dumbest ways, and don't realize when they've gone too far with something. I hate that some of my best friends will ditch me to hang out with other girls that don't even like them and just feel that HAVE to hang out with them. I just think to myself, really?! Like, I'm here for you all the time yet you always ditch me. I feel like I'm used a lot and it gets really old, but I do know who my real girl friends are (I really only have about 3). My advice, stick with the guy friends, they're a lot less drama and they are almost always there for you!

  2. Hey this post is ridiculously true!!! Not to brag but thats why having a twin is AWESOME because were each others wing-man for life! no matter how gay everyone else is being we always stick together! But being a chick is harder so Im sorry things aren't as good as they could be, but you girls are cool and people love you, so stay classy and don't give up!!! :D PS: college is bigger and has alot more options! Hallelujah!

  3. Aww syd ya girls in high school are like hyena's. Its to bad about you and beth but I am sure its for the best

  4. Don't use "gay" as a put down Mr Smith. It's not nice.

  5. hannah montana, gottta love it. (:

    but you are so very right syd, most of the time us girls don't realize how important our "best friends" are to us. then, we make dumb choices, say dumb stuff..and bam its gone. but maybe its for the best...you'll be going away to college, and so you will be able to start new...meet new people, go new places..and forget about dumb high school drama. :p

  6. Yup agree with Alexandria! Having girl friends are fun but GUY friends are definitely better and way less over dramatic
