Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I Wrote it Wrong

So instead of doing what we were supposed to do today I did something else, and it turned out kind of strange so I'm going to post it here so you all can laugh at me with me. (also I'm procrastinating doing other things I should be doing)

Why am I here? What is my purpose? Questions like these haunt me throughout my entire life time. Always coming back to the same unanswered questions. The busy world moves on in spite of this, shuffling along lost in the mundane tasks of everyday life. Foolish people merely living, breathing, existing without knowing a purpose for it.

I am more guilty of this than any other. I am easily trapped withing my own schedule moving from task to task without even a thought. I do not know why I am doing what I am doing, I simply am.

I search for something I do not know, and therefore I search in vain. I am swept away along with the crowd. Drowning in the sea of people who like me, search in vain for a purpose. I cry out to deaf ears, for no one listens. These questions are haunting me. What is it worth? Why does any action of reaction of mine matter? Does it have any meaning at all?

In my desperation I find the answer. I exist as a part of the larger whole that is the universe. I an a piece of the puzzle, holding things together. Occupying a space that only my unique shape can fill. There is a place in this life that I alone belong in. As the symphony of the world plays around me, I must take up my instrument and play. I contribute my own notes to the melody, becoming a part of the music. My purpose is to mark this world with my own identity. To be a part of something larger, greater than myself.

It was at this point that I looked at Sheamus' paper and realized I was doing it all wrong. I had just been kind of daydreaming in my own little world, absent mindedly writing. Haha.

Some essay huh?


  1. even though it wasn't what we were supposed to do, i seriously love this a lot. good job laura!

  2. I agree with Kendra. This is really good Laura. Even though it't not what Ms. Stariha was asking for it's awesome.

  3. It's more what I was looking for than you think Laura... I will demonstrate for you sometime!
