Tuesday, November 29, 2011

this is the beginning

In all honesty I really liked O me, O life. I feel like it set the tone for the class, the idea that we are going to be addressing issues (like purpose) that we often don't like talking about, especially in a classroom full of our peers. I feel like for a lot of us this class is going to end up being a blessing in disguise, one that we all act like we hate, but in secret, love it. I'm fully aware that this class is going to challenge not only my writing skills but my reading skills (?) as well, but I feel like the discussions and knowledge gained are going to be worth it. :)
haha :)

I Wrote it Wrong

So instead of doing what we were supposed to do today I did something else, and it turned out kind of strange so I'm going to post it here so you all can laugh at me with me. (also I'm procrastinating doing other things I should be doing)

Why am I here? What is my purpose? Questions like these haunt me throughout my entire life time. Always coming back to the same unanswered questions. The busy world moves on in spite of this, shuffling along lost in the mundane tasks of everyday life. Foolish people merely living, breathing, existing without knowing a purpose for it.

I am more guilty of this than any other. I am easily trapped withing my own schedule moving from task to task without even a thought. I do not know why I am doing what I am doing, I simply am.

I search for something I do not know, and therefore I search in vain. I am swept away along with the crowd. Drowning in the sea of people who like me, search in vain for a purpose. I cry out to deaf ears, for no one listens. These questions are haunting me. What is it worth? Why does any action of reaction of mine matter? Does it have any meaning at all?

In my desperation I find the answer. I exist as a part of the larger whole that is the universe. I an a piece of the puzzle, holding things together. Occupying a space that only my unique shape can fill. There is a place in this life that I alone belong in. As the symphony of the world plays around me, I must take up my instrument and play. I contribute my own notes to the melody, becoming a part of the music. My purpose is to mark this world with my own identity. To be a part of something larger, greater than myself.

It was at this point that I looked at Sheamus' paper and realized I was doing it all wrong. I had just been kind of daydreaming in my own little world, absent mindedly writing. Haha.

Some essay huh?


o, me .. o , life ; was a reallly goood poem because it really brought a lot of thoughts to my head about what to write about and how to write essays again and also the meaning of life or whatever , it was a good way to get the class started!


welll todays essay just kinda got me back into the swing of things and how the rest of college english is going to be and i neeed to strive to work really hard and keep concentrated from now to [g r a d u a t i o n], only 24 more weeeks of school so im going to try my best and hopefully i get the grades& education from this class and dont falll behind , im trying to be super ahead of everything, thats my goal so then i wont be last minute stressing i can have as much time as i need to make the best papers/projects (:

O me, O life

I have to admit, I loved that essay today! You have good taste in poetry Stariha. When I first read the poem on my own I didn't feel it, but when I was writing and analyze it, it hit me as to how powerful the poem really is. Usually when I have to analyze a piece and write a paper on it I ended up hating the piece that I was writing about but with this one, I just kept falling more and more in love with it!

1st to blog?

hi! so i am suppperr excited for this class, but i am also very nervous. i feel like i'm gonna slack a lot next trimester, and i'm already starting to stress out? oh well.


The time is here.... this is your "rite of passage" into the "rest of your lives..."  Here's to a challenging but fun College English class!  Let the blogging craziness begin.
PS.  Don't be too mean to Christian (or me).  Garrett is fair game though.  (just kidding.)