Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm feeling an attack coming on...

Panic attacks are some of the scariest things, and I'm feeling one...What if I don't get done with my paper? What if we don't get our ppt done in time? What if I forget about my personal narrative? What if I forget to read the book? What if our service project falls through? What if our community forum is a bust? What if we don't get our calculus project done in time? What if I don't have enough time to do all this AND go to work half the week? THESE WHAT IFS ARE KILLING ME!

It's all I can think about night and day, and it's keeping me from sleeping...


  1. Just relax Taylor! We will get it all done and our group's presentation will be fine. Worrying doesn't help anything besides add unneeded stress to one's life ;p just tackle all the assignments one at a time! (divide and conquer, lol that's what Alex always tells us!)

  2. Thanks. Alex was always a smart one :P
    I made a list this morning of all the things I have to do with a checkbox next to each thing. None of them have been checked off yet, but knowing that there is some sort of organization in all of this makes me breathe a little bit easier.

  3. Aww I like this post and comments! I can totally sympethize! I know how you feel and the check list is deff. a step in the right direction! Keep your chin up Taylor... your a stud! ;)
